CBS is a non-profit organization that was established in 1988, with the following general objectives:

  • To promote communication among scientists in the field of biosciences at national and international levels.
  • To promote research in the area of Biosciences.
  • To organize conferences, lectures, workshops and discussions for the promotion of the sciences.
  • To promote collaboration with other related organizations in the areas of research, education, training and publications.
  • To publish journals, proceedings, and other works as may be considered desirable.
  • To accept grants, donations or endowments from Governments, other organizations or individuals for projects or purposes which do not violate the spirit of this constitution such as the award of fellowships, prizes, grants or medals for the promotion of research and development in the area of Bioscience.
  • To undertake such other activities as may assist in or be necessary for the fulfilment of the above mentioned objectives.